Aging Rocker discusses his scariest hitch hike

Stony Asswrecjer from the band “dirty hole” discussed his scariest hitch hiking story on his “stony and moany podcast…
“We were in Newfoundland and the bus broke down in Carbonear, couple of guys went to the coffee shop, I went fer a draw, next ting da fuckers took off without me!! We were supposed to open for the Wicked up in the Keys Garden down da shore but I didn’t know how to get there.
I stuck me thumb out and almost got ran over, after a while some guy picked me up named Bobby, he was in a rush to get some food in Northern Bay so he trampsed on her, I never even got me seat belt on and me head bashed off the windshield and the door flew open, I shit my pants. Finally he got his feed and brought me to the gig, I’ll never forget it!”

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