‘Handsy’ Headmaster sends independent school party overboard

A party of staff from one of London’s independent schools were last night forcibly removed from a boozy boat bash.

What was set to be a ‘well to do’ celebration for the school’s faculty, descended into a situation, not dissimilar to scenes expected from a local Whetherspoon’s on a Friday night. Event hostess Emma Williams described the evening as starting off as ‘…normal and nothing noteworthy, just a work party with polite and well put together people.’ To ‘…men throwing punches and intoxicated women wailing in despair.’

When one male member of staff’s significant other was spotted with the ‘handsy’ headmaster, tempers flared and a physical confrontation played out for all to see.

One member of staff who wishes to remain anonymous said, ‘We were in utter disbelief at what we were witnessing. The headmaster was held in a headlock, whilst punches rained from above.’ Another witness commented ‘If the parents of our pupils were to have seen how the evening played out we would have empty classes on Monday’.

Staff on the boat party were left with no choice but to bring the celebration to an abrupt end citing ‘health and safety concerns for their colleagues’. David Sutton who is employed as a bar team member on the boat commented, ‘I was disgusted by the behaviour of these people and I would be appalled if I was spending twenty thousand pounds a year for my son to attend a school run by these low lives. We have stag do’s better behaved than what I saw last night!’.

‘We were promised a buffet style meal that evening but only canapés were served. I wonder if this allowed some of the party to become too intoxicated?’ One member of staff questioned. But this was refuted by boat staff who claim the behaviour was just ‘…an indication of the kind of people aboard…’ rather than too much alcohol and too little food.

We have reached out to the school for comment but have not received a response.

Do YOU know anyone aboard the boozy boat boast? Email jessica.durham@tonightat11.co.uk.

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