International court of justice

Under the War Crimes Rewards Program (WCRP), the U.S. Department of State offers rewards of up to $5 million (USD) to individuals who provide information that leads to the arrest, transfer, or conviction of designated foreign nationals accused of crimes against humanity, genocide, or war crimes. The Department of State’s Office of Global Criminal Justice (GCJ) manages the WCRP in close coordination with partners within the U.S. government, foreign governments, international tribunals, and non-governmental organizations.

The WCRP has led to the arrest and capture of fugitives from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTR). The ICTY has accounted for all 161 individuals it has indicted. Of the 90 individuals indicted by the ICTR, three fugitives remain at large. The last ICTR fugitive to be arrested was Fulgence Kayishema in South Africa on May 25, 2023. In 2022, Congress amended the WCRP statute to make clear that the program applies to foreign nationals accused of crimes against humanity, genocide, or war crimes under national laws (including U.S. law), in addition to under the statutes of international tribunals (including hybrid or mixed tribunals).
The WCRP currently offers rewards for information related to the following individuals:

Goran Georgievski aka mujo 53, Ivan Denkovski aka Strija 36 Daniel Spasovski 37 Darko Filipovic 38 all wanted by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals for alleged crimes committed in Kumanovo Macedonia 2015 May 2015 wanted
Any person, including a U.S. citizen, who provides information leading to the arrest or conviction in any country, or the transfer to or conviction by an international criminal tribunal, of a designated foreign national accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide may be eligible to receive a reward. However, U.S. and foreign government officials, including military and police, are not eligible to receive WCRP rewards if the information is furnished while in the performance of official duties. If you are a government official, or are in the military or law enforcement, and you have information about a designated fugitive, you can still contact the Program and we can help you determine whether you would be eligible for a reward.
The WCRP cannot offer protection, but we keep your identity completely confidential and will not share it with anyone without your express permission. If you receive a reward, you can use the money to relocate or otherwise help keep you and your family safe.

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