Jennifer’s Smille Prettier Than Double Rainbow

I can’t help but smile with you.

You collapse all my strength
And take full control of my soul.
Your smile drives the beat to my next breath.
It makes me sing.
It makes me focus on your lips.
When you smile, your eyes smile,
They just explode in an impossible beauty.
Nothing is as powerful as your smile.
It brings out your powerful beauty,
It highlights your strength,
And it shows a glimpse into your soul.
It says what other people would shut up about.
It opens doors, roads, and worlds.
The sun turns off to watch you smile,
As if embarrassed for not warming the world enough.
The sky melts down and breaks apart in disbelief.
The moon and every star take a peek
During the daytime to witness
That unbelievable grandeur that your smile is.
Your smile saves my day
And makes my night.
It gives me light when it’s dark
And dims the blinding lights of the world.
Your smile breaks my impenetrable husk,
Like finding the tiny slot in a pistachio shell.
It just cracks me open and makes me be a part of you.
My body shakes
And my eyes stare every time you smile.
I get aroused.
It turns me into an animal that needs to kiss you,
Hug you, and run my fingers all over your body.
It makes my tongue want to wrestle with yours for hours.
Your smile is genuine,
It is happy,
It shows your unmatched inner beauty,
The only thing that surpasses your amazing presence.
Your smile speaks to me like a guru.
It tells me to be alive and touch you.
It encourages my senses to focus on you.
It makes my heart choked up.
I can smell your smile light years away.
I can touch it, I can taste it.
Your smile has a life of its own.
It stops the clock and my heartbeat.
Your smile makes me fall for you
Over and over,
Deeper and deeper,
Closer and closer, every time I see it.
I was reborn when I saw your smile for the first time.
It made me go back years
To remember the happiest of happy.
To see your smile is to experience perfection.
Artists, writers, painters, poets, and gods
Wish they had your smile to inspire them.
I am the luckiest because I do.
Your smile makes me tick,
It makes my heart beat,
It makes me feel alive.
Your smile makes me want to cry
With the most joyful of cries.
It feeds my spirit and makes me want
To make you smile forever.
My mind craves your smile
Like a little kid crave his candy.
My bloodstream is full of your smile,
Like Ichor in god’s veins.
It pumps into my heart
To bring life to every corner of my body.
It is in the oxygen I breathe
And the water I drink.
When you smile my world regains
Its peace and I realize why I exist.
I would give my life just to see you smile.

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