Obscure technicality ensures childrens release from zoo

Gyant Zoo, in California, was recently forced to take away five “6 year old” children from their zoo, under a technicality. The people likely responsible for the mistake, Joseph Flat and Brant Coward, have been criticised heavily for allowing such an error to slide. Local politicians are insure that such an failure of this magnitude will never happen again. Criticism was also sent towards the person who discovered the technicality, Bryan Cranam, calling him unamerican. The New Yorker called him a “lying conman who wanted to destroy the zoos property”. Bryan Cranam later clarified to the press “[he] never meant to reveal the technicality publicly, it was [his] goal to share it privately to the people responsible for making change. But word got out, and the zoo had to put down the kids”. After the initial criticism, the zoo was also criticised for killing the children instead of keeping them in cages outside the publics eye, until they could bring them back. Extremist virtue signaller, Gill Shame, said this: “It would have been far more environmentally safe to keep them in cages. The zoo makes enough money to keep feeding them. There should be fines instituted if people kill children. Kids are our future!”.

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