
PhD student Francis Alexander Nelson-Garcia who goes by Fangs of California Institute of Technology discovered a extremely rare anomaly in our Milky Way earlier this week. What started as an ordinary day of teaching his undergrad class and continuing his research on Galaxies, Fangs later found himself in the Palomar Observatory completely speechless of what he saw. Fangs did the one thing that all astronomers and astrophysicists dream of. That is making a ground breaking discovery or break through of the many unknowns that our solar system has to offer. You ask what exactly did Fangs discover, well what he found was so rare that you can call it one of those “once in a lifetime” moments. Fangs was the first to discover three components in outer space forming a line. Orion, Nebula, and Zork of our solar system was seen through Hale Telescope by Fangs, marking this as one of the greatest astronomical findings to date. The idea of this discovery was so rare that wagers were made due to the fact that one would never have to fulfill their commitment. Unfortunately, for those who initiated such a bet has a lot of repaying to do. Per Fangs “I do not know how and why this alignment happened but I do know that it is here stay for few hundred years.” Caltech’s spokesman had no comments on this matter as researchers are still gathering more information. They preceded to say once all data is analyzed over the next 50-100 years, a full detailed report will be published. In the end all we can say is that it is a great day for the field of astronomy and those who took a risk on a bet. Everyone Enjoy this great discovery and all the happiness it will bring to so many.

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