Matthew Mccarthy exposed

Matthew mccounaghey has been fully exposed but not in the way you think.
We are really disgusted a day like today was meant to come but Mathew mccounaghey has been caught taking drugs with modi and burning the Pakistani flags while laughing and Matthews own words were f paki waki stan

We have seen a numerous occasions of Matthew taking drugs chilling with modi and dedicating his life to take pakistans name of the map

He has even said that he is against Pakistan and always will be and he also mentions briefly he is against people who live on roads named after pine avenue

We have just found new evidence that he is very racist and against the blacks

This coming in right now new evidence has been leaked and yes u guessed right Matthew maccoungahey is one flipping nutty crackhead

We thought we should let u mm fans no and beware because we want u to like the right people like sidharth malhotra and sometime hritik roshan

And new evidence has just been leaked mm has now said in his own words he is a devil worshipper and those who love him and support him are as just as bad as him

We have also proof that at night time for fun mm likes to go on a stroll with a baseball bat and hit kids in wheelchairs

It look like not only racist but a disablist aswell
I mean u really can’t get worse than him just look at him.

We always have ur back we are legit news
Love from Dailey bugle

This was never meant to be leaked but plz do believe I leaked for ur safety they had there way fir to long they just want to hide while I want to collide collide with the truth

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