Al Ameer English School Ajman, Student age 16, died on 22/02/2023, Wednesday

Ayshath Azmila of class 10th dies by walking with slippers which had emotionally, painfully, mentally and physically affected the health of that paavam kutty. This very tragedy is really hard to believe for anyone as a girl as pretty as her doesn’t deserve to be attacked like this (god says she still will wear those slippers to look aesthetic). Above she was the pride of Al Ameer English School, this is such a heart breaking news for everyone. Last seen near Lulu hypermarket where the world comes to the shop, limbing her leg and crawling through the roads and begali’s staring at her and blood flowing through her foot. It’s been noticed that she went home with her best friend who is also her neighbour, her friend was dying with the thirst inside her throat without getting a sip of water anywhere. She was too busy to look after her friend who was laying down on the road.These kids must not be treated this way in our modern society. As a member of this society we should help these kids and treat them the way they should be treated. Astagfirullah njan marichilla tta, njan anghane nighale verthe vitt marikoola lol. nighal anghane njan illand enjoy cheyyenda >0<

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